Category: Game Dev

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Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages

By Liam Dawe,
AI this, AI that - you can't go anywhere without something trying to force AI on you. Usually a company trying to get you to buy into what they've wasted billions on. So indie devs have begun fighting back with their No Gen AI Seal.

The glibc 2.41 update has been causing problems for Linux gaming

By Liam Dawe,
It seems a recent update to glibc with version 2.41 release at the end of January, has been causing all sorts of problems for Linux gamers that have pulled in the update (mostly on rolling-release distributions).
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Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games

By Liam Dawe, [updated]
Valve have updated the developer guidelines for releasing a game on Steam, making it clear that the scourge of mobile gaming advertising-based business models are not going to work on Steam.

Epic Games devs talk about solutions to the Unreal Engine stuttering issues in games

By Liam Dawe,
If you've played a game using Unreal Engine, or for that matter any modern game engine, you've likely encountered various forms of stuttering. One major issue is shader stuttering, as games build up that cache and it seems Epic Games have a solution for Unreal Engine.

GDC 2025 survey shows PC game development growing with lots interested in Valve's Steam Deck

By Liam Dawe,
The latest Game Developers Conference (GDC) survey has been released, and it gives a rather glowing overview of how great things are for PC gamers with lots of developers working on games.

SDL 3 officially released for game devs plus an SDL 2 to SDL 3 compatibility layer

By Liam Dawe,
Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) is a popular free and open source library for developers that handles audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick and graphics with SDL 3 now available. Plus a new SDL 2 to SDL 3 compatibility layer.

Can 2025 please be the year more games add Text and UI Scaling

By Liam Dawe,
I get it, you worked hard for hours and days and weeks on your incredibly cool-looking interface for your game. You made it so all the text perfectly lines up everywhere and picked a slick looking font, but it's all too darn small.

Godot Engine's 2024 Showreel shows a lot of fun stuff for the open source game engine

By Liam Dawe,
The cross-platform free and open source Godot Engine has another showreel up, giving you a nice look at what some developers have been making with it.

EA pledge another 23 accessibility patents for public royalty-free use

By Liam Dawe,
EA did another actually genuinely great thing here. They've expanded their previous patent pledge for game developers to use without problems.

Vulkan API 1.4 released with new required extensions, better 8K rendering

By Liam Dawe,
The Khronos Group have today announced the release of the Vulkan 1.4 API specification, with various changes and improvements for game and application developers.

Khronos Group takes over cross-platform Slang shading language from NVIDIA

By Liam Dawe,
Interesting industry news here for you, especially for developers. The Khronos Group announced they've launched the Slang Initiative, taking over the Slang shading language supported by NVIDIA since 2017.

Godot Engine 4.4 dev 4 released with interactive in-game editing

By Liam Dawe,
An exciting new feature for game developers has begun to land in the free and open source Godot Engine, with the start of interactive in-game editing.

s&box the spiritual successor to Garry's Mod now has a Steam page up

By Liam Dawe,
Making it easier to follow along and get notified when it's available, s&box the spiritual successor to Garry's Mod now has a Steam page up.

Steam gets new tools for game devs to offer players version switching in-game

By Liam Dawe,
Valve announced something that I'm sure a lot of game developers and players will appreciate: new APIs to allow developers to have version switching directly in their games!

SDL 3.1.3 Stable ABI Preview released

By Liam Dawe,
One missed in the inbox of no return from last week. The next-generation SDL 3 is closing in on a proper stable release now with the SDL 3.1.3 Stable ABI Preview now available for game developers.

From November 15, all Steam games sold in Germany will need an Age Rating

By Liam Dawe,
Earlier in 2024, Valve announced that games being sold in Germany were going to require an Age Rating to continue to be sold, and now there's a deadline.

Epic Games reduce their cut for Unreal Engine games for same-day Epic Store launches

By Liam Dawe,
Epic Games are once again trying to entice more game developers to not only ship same-day on the Epic Games Store, but to use Unreal Engine too.

Microsoft embraces more open standards with DirectX 12 adopting SPIR-V

By Liam Dawe,
Quite a big surprise, but truly a welcome one, and a great one for game developers. Microsoft are moving more towards open standards by adopting SPIR-V for DirectX.

Frame of Mind developer ended up coding the game on Steam Deck for a year

By Liam Dawe,
Here's a fun one for you. What do you do when you're a game developer and your laptop dies? Use your Steam Deck to continue developing of course.

Unity cancels the stupid Runtime Fee

By Liam Dawe,
After a complete disaster a while ago that saw many developers jump-ship, and cause a huge PR problem, Unity have now cancelled the Runtime Fee.
Showing 1 to 20 of 289 entries found.